更新時間:2022-02-17 09:24:47作者:admin2
補習班基本翻譯opportunity class網絡釋義補習班:cramming school|Summer School|cram school成人補習班:Undeclared挑逗補習班:School for Seduction
Students are always looking forward to summer vacation. They consider summer vacation as the time of the year during which relaxing and having fun is the theme. When summer vacation actually arrives, however, I don’t think students will discover it as fun at all. Although it’s true that school is done by the time of summer vacation, but the students are not free at all: lessons of various skills and activities have filled their day and mountains of homework has buried their desktop. Even if some lucky ones managed to escape from those prisons, they are still troubled with the problem of how to spend their time, for there aren’t many friends available to play with. As a result, while students are occupied with works they never wished for, diminished is the joy of childhood.學生們總是盼望著暑假。他們認為暑假是一年當中放松和娛樂的時候。可是當暑假來臨時,我不認為學生們會認為暑假是多么的有趣。的確,學校已經結束了,但是學生們還沒有自由:各種補習班占據了他們的時間而小山一般多的作業則淹沒了他們的書桌。就算有幾個幸運的孩子可以從這些負擔中逃脫出來,如何打發時間的問題卻找上門來:因為沒有幾個朋友可以和他們一起玩。所以說,當學生們被那些討厭的負擔所困擾的時候,兒時的快樂卻逐漸消失。