to turn me on我也會為你顛倒
i just nee" />
更新時間:2021-06-23 21:03:04作者:admin2
《快樂的大腳》中的音樂--《kiss》(不過貌似現在很難找這個呢)歌詞有一首歌朗誦稿:you don't have to be beautiful你不必貌美如花
to turn me on我也會為你顛倒
i just need your body baby你誘人的身體
form dusk till dawn讓我夜夜難眠
you don't need experience你不必風情萬種
to turn me out我也會為你燃燒
you just leave it all up to me讓我來點燃你吧
(i'm gonna show you what it's all about)
you don't have to be rich你不必富甲天下
to be my girl我也會捧你在手心
you don't have to be cool你不必冷艷如冰
to rule my world也扔是我的全部
ain't no particular sign我不想刻意追求什么
i'm more compatible with
i just want your extra time只想同你分享每分每秒
and you kiss然后盡情擁吻