大學生的心理問題其實早就見諸于報端,從清華學生硫酸潑熊事件開始,這一問題就廣泛地進入了人們的視野,馬加爵案更是" />
更新時間:2021-06-30 07:37:37作者:admin2
The higher education should think what did say what does make what?About university student psychology education
University student's psychological question actually alreadysees various to the press, sprinkles the bear event from the Qinghuastudent sulfuric acid to start, this question widely entered people'sfield of vision, Ma Jiajue the document is pushes the studentpsychology question discussion to a high tide.
"University Weekly" actually continuously compares pays attention touniversity student's psychological question, from began publication assoon as starts to suppose many interactions column to come with thestudent to carry on mutually exchanges, we "the Chinese mugwort 馨psychology on-line" frequently could receive each universitiesstudent's incoming letter, they reflected psychological question alsoall kinds of, stems from reporter the imagination.
New China net student 網友 said that, through Ma Jiajue the event,the higher educational circles should reconsider: The universities isexpanding incurs, how does student's thought political educationmanage? How does student's psychologically healthy educate manages?The higher education cannot adopt "a sheep also is puts, crowd ofsheep also are puts" the way, the guardian hand over the school thechild, the universities should earnestly treat these children.
Is dissimilar with the elementary and middle schools, the presentcollege education basically is a manner which one kind lets mattersdrift, because the university student is an adult after all, wecontinuously think they promising own behavior responsible ability.But along with society's development, development difference betweenthe local, more and more many university students felt confused, thefox alone, is melancholy. Ma Jiajue may after say is the psychologicalquestion moves towards an example which the extreme erupts.
According to Beijing University sixth hospital clinical psychologycenter Professor Cong Zhong introduces that, the university studentleaves school 70% is because of the psychological reason. Inuniversity student, frequent consistent anxious, despondent, someforces idea, compared with biased or is sensitive and so on thepsychological question varying degree existence to the interpersonalrelationship. Reporter has visited the Beijing several universities,some are engaged in many years thought political work and psychologyconsultation teacher introduces, because resigning because of illnessstudy, the temporary leave student at least has 60% to 70% is thepsychological reason. Is engaged in the university student psychologyconsultation an expert estimated that, the higher education educatesby the outstanding person changes the popular education, has thepsychological barrier for number many university students.
A schoolmate appeals that, the educational department cannot only takestudent's cultural knowledge, more importantly must take student'seducation for all-around development, the parents sends in thechildren the university, the school becomes the student the family,the teacher should is the student to link up, cared about their dailylife, treats as them from already the child is same, only then mayavoid this kind of event continuing to occur.
Ma Jiajue the document, has initiated so many ponders and theargument, reporter here reports is only a part, but also has morequestions, the scholars also in intensely is debating. We hoped canlet more people pay attention to this kind of question, how cultivatesour university spirit, lets him be once more bright nation of in thewe this ancient civilization. This is regarding Ma Jiajue the documentreconsidering greatest value.