美音 [p??nt]
n. 點;要點;得分;標點
vt. (意思上)指向;削尖;加標點于;指路
vi. 表明;指向
【記】point- 表示點,變尖
point 點,論點,觀點,目標,指向,用灰泥抹磚縫
- I have tried to get my point across.
我已盡力讓我的觀點清晰明了。 - OK, you've made your point!
好了,你已經把話說清楚了。 - I don't see the point of her last remark.
我不明白她最后那句話的意思。 - He missed the whole point of my speech.
他完全沒抓住我演講的重點。 - Your weak point is your constant need for approval.
你的弱點是你總是需要得到別人的同意才有信心。 - Rose's strong point is her phenomenal memory for dates.
羅斯的特點是對日期的記憶力很強。 - The line AB cuts the line CD at the point E.
直線AB與直線CD相交于E點。 - It is not feasible to build a bridge at that point.
在那個地點造橋是不可行的。 - I'll wait for you at the meeting point in the arrivals hall.
我將在進港大廳的迎接點等你。 - One digit always precedes the decimal point.
小數點前總有一個數字。 - The trainer stands in front of the elephant holding a long stick with a sharp metal point.
訓練員站在象前面,手拿著銳利金屬尖的長棒。 - The ship sailed around the point.
那條船繞過了岬角。 - Soon after, the lugger doubled the point and disappeared.
不一會兒,小帆船繞過海角,不見了蹤影。 - There's really no point in arguing about pinpoints.
為芝麻綠豆般的小事爭論實在毫無意義。 - During that time, many delegations had shown maximum flexibility to reach the point they had come to.
在這段時間里,許多代表團都表現出了最大限度的靈活性,以達成他們所期望的目標。 - She needs to win this point to level the score.
她要贏得這一分才能將比分扳平。 - Heat the water till it reaches boiling point.
把水加熱至沸點。 - The melting point of lead is lower than that of iron.
鉛的熔點比鐵的低。 - There is a power point for shaver in the bathroom .
浴室里有供電動剃須刀用的電源插座。 - The font size is specified by a point value.
- He pointed at the diagram to illustrate his point.
他指著圖表來說明他的論點。 - The hands of the clock point to five o'clock.
時鐘的針指向五點鐘。 - The rooftop rotates to allow the telescope to point in any direction.
旋轉屋頂可以使望遠鏡朝向任何一個方向。 - Don't point your pistol at me.
別用槍指著我。 - Just point the camera and press the button.
point out:指出,強調
point at:指向
point to:指向,示意
point in:在...方面有優勢
point out the error:指出錯誤
make a point:強調某事
take a point:理解某事
see a point in:認為某事有價值
make a point of:特別注意,強調