更新時間:2021-06-13 02:11:22作者:admin2
Artificial natural objects, as a human cultivation, processing and manufacturing of the object, human-centered world dominated more and more important position. It gives human life to bring a new revolution. Now, an emerging technology - the artificial cloning of natural objects brought by the innovation has profoundly shocked the world of human mind. Cloning technology, as a contemporary new technology, its unique appeal of being more and more attention. To it as the center of the debate generated by the opposite, have more than. Understanding of it, either in terms of the technological revolution, or to human ethics, morality and other areas, it is very important to have a meaning.Cloning technology may indeed be with the history of nuclear technology, as both the benefit of mankind, can also be disastrous. But the "technology of fear" in substance, is the wrong person's fear of using technology, rather than the fear of technology itself. The development of human society itself tells us that when humanity is faced with ethical and moral crisis, should rationally face the reality. 人工自然物,作為人類培育、加工和制造的對象,在以人為中心的世界中占據著愈來愈重要的位置。它給人類的生活帶來了全新的革命。而今,一種新興的技術——克隆所帶來的人工自然物的革新卻深刻地震撼著人類的心靈世界??寺〖夹g,作為一項當代的新技術,以其特有的吸引力正越來越受到人們的關注。以它為中心所產生的截然相反的議論,紛紛不止。對它的認識,無論就技術革命而言,還是就人類倫理、道德等領域來說,都有著極為重要的意義??寺〖夹g確實可能與歷史上的原子能技術等一樣,既能造福人類,也可禍害無窮。但“技術恐懼”的實質,是對錯誤運用技術的人的恐懼,而不是對技術本身的恐懼。人類社會自身的發展也告訴我們,當人類面對倫理道德的危機時,應該理性正視現實。